Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Re-read postponed :(

Hey guys, sorry, but there will be no ASOIAF post tomorrow. My publisher has a book going to press this week and things are very much down to the wire. That's also kept me busy at home so... no Game of Thrones.

But that's not to say the blog will be postless. No, no, no. Things are just delayed. A Saturday post could work, and a Friday one is not outside the realm of possibility. So, check back in a day or two. Hope to see you then. Thanks!


Lya said...

It's okay, I'm assuming that the World Cup significantly reduced your free time. Also I came across the Spanish version of the Italian prayer (which was itself an English version, I guess) that you posted awhile ago. All of these are awesome. There must be dozens of multilingual variations floating around:

Padre nuestro que estás en Sudáfrica. Santificado sea del Bosque. Venga a nosotros el mundial. Hágase tu voluntad tanto en el cuerpo técnico como en los jugadores. Danos hoy nuestro gol de cada día. Perdona a nuestros defensas. Como también nosotros perdonamos al árbitro que nos ofende.......No nos dejes al borde de ganar y dejanos coger la copa del mundial amén.

One thing I learned: It pays to pray to Saint Iker!

fvpaonessa said...

hehehe... I guess they prayed harder. Saint Iker definitely came through in the clutch. Oh well... they deserved to win.

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